Sunday, January 20, 2013

Henry 2013

Henry Richard is a rambunctious, curious, thoughtful, mischievous, loving little guy. He challenges me almost daily to think before I speak, ask why about my choices and to depend on my Lord.

Henry likes to eat green beans, almond milk, chips, popcorn, hot dogs, bread of any kind, and anything sweet, especially chocolate. He is a solid water drinker which is awesome but might also mean that I buy pull-ups for the next decade! Argh!

If the weather is nice Henry wants to be outside. If the weather is bad Henry wants to be outside. :) He runs, jumps, digs, collects rocks, and rides his bike as often as he can.

His preschool teachers, Mrs Jamie & Ms. Judy, adore him. They often tell us that he makes them laugh, is really smart and generally obedient. He talks about playing with Luke, Jim and the other Henry (who is in the 4 yr old class). He knows his alphabet and can count almost to 20.

He LOVES Transformer Rescue Bots, playing Subway Surfer on the iPad, and all things LEGO. He could play Legos for hours and hours Every. Single. Day.

Although I thought I would only write positive things, its hard to think of Henry and not think of mischief! Often times when I am feeding Sam, my dear Henry is off doing something crazy. Just a few recent gems - pulling all the Christmas tree lights off the front bushes in less than 10 minutes, pouring out a whole container of Nesquik dry mix to make a dirt track on the table with his cars, drawing with marker on the carpet to practice his numbers, and saying as many "bad words" as possible before I can get to him.

Joys of a three year old boy! He melts my heart!

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