Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

About a week ago we wrote a fantastic Christmas note to print on labels and put on the back of our Christmas card (a picture one ordered online).  Saved the letter late one night and thought we would print it the following morning, but when we went to turn the computer on, the hard drive had died.  So sad..... but we have a quick fix!  

Christmas cards will be sent out tomorrow and the blog address is on the back.   Hopefully people will check it out and read our second Christmas note for 2010.....

We hope that your 2010 has been full of blessings and joy!  Our days have been full and fun this year. Here are just a few memories that stir up thankfulness in our hearts:
  • Several opportunities to go to the beach with family and friends
  • Experiencing sound teaching and enriching fellowship with our church family
  • Jake loving his job
  • Henry walking, talking and adding joy to our every day lives
  • Jack playing soccer and enjoying our home preschool time each week
  • Welcoming our new niece/cousin, Zoe Evelyn (pictured with the boys on our card!)
  • God's overwhelming provision in our lives
These are just a few things from our year, but we'd love for you to look back through the blog to see what else we've done.  Maybe we will be able to update it a little more often this coming year!  Hoping to visit with many of you in the days and weeks to come. Praying that you and your family experience the love, peace and joy that comes from knowing our Savior Jesus Christ.  Much love to you!!!  

Jake, Winnie, Jack and Henry

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Inside Fun on a Snow Day!

When we see this outside.........
We try to stay in and do warm, fun things!  If there was enough snow to sled we would go out but right now it's not worth it.  It is below 32 and chilly, but we are having fun with Daddy's Playmobil sets!  Jake NEVER lets the boys play with these beloved treasures from his childhood, but tonight we are having a special treat!

Jack just told us, "I'm rounding up the posse! I've got a door (score) to settle!"  No idea where he learned this phrase but it is cracking us up!
Henry loves putting the hats on the cowboys!