Day 2 – Thursday, August 12, 2010 – 1:30-3:30
Pray together.
Read Gen 1:9-13 (dry land, trees, sea, plants) from a Bible and use The Jesus Bible Storybook to show pictures to the children. This passage covers Day 3. (My Father’s World)
Create Day 3 page. For Day 3: Cut out pieces of construction paper for ocean, hill, grass, trees, and flowers. Allow students to paste there on to a blank piece of white paper. Add red and orange stickers or glue more construction paper pieces to create fruit on the trees.
Using the ABC Chart, sing the ABCs at least 2 times. Make sure to pause to avoid the usual slurring of L-M-N-O-P. Have the students point to each letter as they sing it. Introduce G, H, I, J, K, L and then using a button & the ABC Chart review those letters, as well as any previously taught letters. For example, you could say, “Put your button on letter B.” Print the letter on another piece of paper and allow the child to correct his own mistake if necessary. (My Father’s World)
Remind students that we use the calendar to tell us the month, year, day of the week and the date. Ask, “What month is it?” “What year is it?” Say “Yesterday was ________.” “What day of the week is today?” “It is ____________________.” “Yesterday’s date was the ____th.” “What is today’s date?” “Today is (day), August (date), (year). Write the date in the correct box. Color today’s square, remembering to alternate colors (green, blue). (Saxon K Math)
‘Yesterday you used pattern blocks. Today we will use a new math material.” Show the students a handful of teddy bear counters. “What are these?” “What can you tell me about them?” Give the students a few minutes to play with the counters. “What could you do with the teddy bears?” “Line up the teddy bears to take a walk.” Put the teddy bear counters away to be used again in future lessons.
Repeat yesterday’s activity, emphasizing counting/numerical skills. Choose a ball that bounces well and can be easily grasped by child’s hands. Show the child how to drop the ball from the hands and catch it when it bounces up. Teach the child to anticipate the ball’s position in order that the child can catch it at the precise time. Encourage the child to catch the ball with the hands without touching the body. You can also add counting how many times the child can bounce and catch without missing. (Slow and Steady Get Me Ready)
Go on a nature walk near your home. Using the Nature Wheel you pre-printed, find parts of God’s creation. When you return have students color the pictures on the Nature Wheel and assemble the wheel.
Using playdoh and premade name cards (write students names on card stock paper), have students practice forming the letters of their names. If necessary, finish any pages from yesterday that students were unable to complete.