Thursday, January 31, 2013

Jack 2013

Jack has had quite a year! Our kind-hearted, sensitive, funny 6 year old is beginning to mature and grow right in front of us.

We have made it halfway through the kindergarten year and couldn't be more thrilled with the results so far. The Lord knew exactly what Jack would need to have a successful school experience. More about that later!

Jack currently loves Transformers, Beyblades, his teacher, chocolate milk, Magic Treehouse books, Sonic cherry slushes, Science, playing with Sam and going to Grandma & Grandpa's house.

Our big guy has had a variety of health issues since birth (allergies, asthma, aortic stenosis) but this past year we began really focusing on some of his "quirkiness." Lots of little things began to be bigger issues. He was officially diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and Aspergers Syndrome.

This information was not necessarily surprising for us but it did come with some challenging days as we processed through lots of information. We still just take one day at a time and are learning to be open to change.

We are looking forward to a great spring with Jack. Hoping to find a sport that he enjoys and gives him some fun physical activity. He has almost mastered shoe-tying and says that his next life goal is to go without training wheels on his bike. Bring on some good weather!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I only got in one workout last week BUT it's Tuesday and I've already gotten in a workout this week. Yahoo! Progress! Have I mentioned how I loathe Jillian Michaels?? She does give a good workout though!

So many people I know are big supporters of the nutritional supplements/program Advocare. They've seen great results and have more energy. Unfortunately it's just not something I can commit to at this point, but I honestly think I need a more practical option. Something my whole family can benefit from at mealtimes.

I've begun researching the Paleo lifestyle and have read about people reversing all kinds of health issues, including asthma, which our sweet Henry deals with on a daily basis. If anything I've learned that just eating fewer processed foods will help tremendously.

Hopefully in the coming weeks I can post some recipes we've tried. Lord willing, I can get this house full of picky eaters to eat a few fruits & veggies!