Sunday, August 29, 2010


After 2 weeks of our home "preschool days,"  we've had a few changes.....
  • Only doing school Mon, Tues & Thurs afternoons (to allow for nap/rest on Wed before evening Bible Study)
  • My laundry pile has become a mountain in a very short time
  • Henry must know we are doing something without him because his naps are all of a sudden less than 2 hours
  • No longer typing out lesson plans (@ least for the blog)
  • Nap time craft time/"me" time no longer exists 
  • I do absolutely LOVE being home with my boys (It's only taken 4 yrs to get used to it) and wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
Many other things are going on right now, but just wanted to give a quick update.  I hate to stop posting our weekly lesson plans but it is a time sucker that has to go away.  (If you have been using the lessons, just email me and I can send you what I am doing.)  Once I posted the school stuff I didn't have time to post any "life" stuff.  Looking forward to a little catching up this birthday times, Henry moments, allergy excitement, etc....