Sunday, January 20, 2013


Who doesn't love 60 degrees & sunny in January?!?! Just what we needed this weekend.

Jake's parents have a creek bed at the back of their property that is typically dry. With all the rain last week there was a good foot of water running over the rocks.

Some days I'd rather just keep the boys occupied in the house because its easier with Sam. Honestly its selfish and lazy. Thankful the Lord gave us some gloriously enticing weather! I couldn't keep Henry in if I tried!


Sarah said...

I'm definitely guilty of staying in more often because it's easier w/ so many kiddos to keep track of. Trying to do better with that as well!

Winnie Spann said...

I don't mind the playing outside. It's just the cold weather, coats on, coats off, dirt & leaves in the house, pushing & shoving, endless swing pushing, and the list goes on! Haha!! Hoping for an early spring around here.