Saturday, January 19, 2013

Creative Discovery Museum January 2013

So many things to catch up on but why not just start where we are! My goal with this blog has always been to mainly keep up with what's going on with our little family so we can look back at life. Maybe some things from this past year will make it in but for now we'll just begin.

Even though Jake works most weekends, I try to get out with the boys on Saturdays.  Since we've had TONS of rain this winter it's been difficult to be outside, so any chance for indoor fun is at the top of our list.  Last weekend we went to Creative Discovery Museum with Jake's cousin Amanda and my brother's family. Sam had a rare chance to stay by himself with Grandma.

Just an afternoon sailing the seas!
Digging up some bones.
Dinosaurs Roar!
A too small alien costume didn't stop this show!
Always fun to play instruments as loud as possible.
Bubbles never get old for this boy.
We had tons of fun and are looking forward to the new dinosaur exhibit that started this weekend.  Hoping to go soon! 


Sarah said...

yay! a blog post! so exciting! I just love seeing your kiddos grow. And learning from you! You are an amazing mama, and an amazing woman. I (selfishly) hope you keep blogging just so I can peek in on your life and learn from you!

Winnie Spann said...

You are too kind friend! Hoping to post more frequently, Lord willing. We need to pick a date on the calendar to get together! Maybe just a quick overnight mommy encouragement getaway in Atlanta! I've had trouble getting onto your blog from my phone but have enjoyed seeing pics of your sweet family on FB!