Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Unexpected Blessings

This happiness makes 8 hours in the car by myself with two young boys, totally worth it!

We didn't expect to find ourselves at the beach this week, but WE ARE! What a blessing!  Unfortunately Jake is working and couldn't come down with us, but last night he worked it out to come down this weekend! Yippee!  We are so excited to be here and even more excited that Jake will be here this weekend.  Even Aunt Hannah is going to come in some time tomorrow and stay a few days!

This is Henry's first time at the beach and he LOVES it!  There is a great sandbar right out from the condo and he has spent hours there today.  It's hard to even get a picture of his face because he's looking down at the sand and water constantly.  This is also the first year that Jack is really enjoying himself and is feeling confident in the water.  Grandpa got him a cool surfboard so he has been busy "learning to surf." 

Long mornings in the sun make for wonderful, long nap times!  We all need it after sleeping in one room last night.  I never knew that BOTH of my boys snore and talk in their sleep.  Hysterical, but makes it difficult to get much resting accomplished!


God's girl said...

LOVE your blog girl!! So happy you are having a good time and Hubbie gets to join you. What a blessing!
Much love,

Sarah said...

Have a great time! You are so brave, vacationing w/ both boys on your own! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! they are sooo cute! and i am so jealous! i've been longing for the beach all furlough. alas, not this year. something to look forward to next time around. and when we go, we so need to go down to the panhandle! myrtle beach doesn't hold a candle to that!! maybe we can meet up in four years.. :)