Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fun Preschool Days

One of the first letters we studied in preschool this year was S.  We spent a lot of time learning about the Sun and Jesus as the Light of the World.  The kids drew "suns" and "s" on a large piece of paper.  

They thoroughly enjoyed using shaving cream to practice their handwriting.

Notice C has a cute backpack.  Jack thinks he needs one too.  I've tried to explain that all his stuff is right here at our house and he doesn't have to carry anything anywhere.  We might be getting a backpack one of these days.....

We made suns using finger paint and talked about ABAB patterns.

Another little friend M was able to join us for preschool recently.  Jack and C were thrilled to have someone else to learn with for the day. She jumped right in and was such a joy! Sometimes it's nice to have some girl infusion in my boy world.....


Sarah said...

I love it, you are so creative! I wish I could be that creative, for sure!

Winnie Spann said...

Oh Sarah, you are one creative Momma! You always think of the "little things" to do for your girls. You create some really special and memorable moments for your sweet family. I can barely remember that there's a holiday coming up much less do treats, fun outfits, surprises.... I love it!