Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last week my brother Nathan came over to help Jake cut down a dead tree at the back of our property. He also brought me an AMAZING gift that I am using right now - a NEW laptop!
Jack loved sharing in the tree cutting experience but he isn't big on loud noises. Jake had him geared up with ear and eye protection! He is super excited about the new stage...I mean stump!

Excuse the pajamas! It was bedtime but Jack just couldn't stand to miss the excitement!


Aimee Larsen said...

Well, since I never see you anymore and your kids are all grown up at least this way I won't be in total shock when I run into you and they are both big boys. I can't believe how big Jack is. Big enough to ask for sunglasses, books and a blanket. That's pretty darn big and to use them so wisely as to take a nap. I love it! I think you'll love blogging, especially next year when you go back and look at these pictures and realize these are memories you didn't want to forget.

Aimee Larsen said...

I meant "Growing" up, I know they aren't grown yet. ;)