Monday, August 16, 2010

Preschool Day 4 – Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 4 – Tuesday, August 17, 2010 – 1:30-3:30

Pray together.


Read Gen 1:20-31 (sea animals, other animals, & people ) from a Bible and use The Jesus Bible Storybook to show pictures to the children. This passage covers Day 5 & Day 6. (My Father's World)


Create Day 5 & 6 pages. For Day 5: Draw and color sea animals in the ocean. You could easily use pre-cut animals or stickers for this activity. We may use our thumbprint & ink to make different animals. Day 6: This page will have 2 people and other kinds of animals. For the people we will use a precut man and woman (I am going to trace a gingerbread man/woman cookie cutter). For the animals we are going to follow the great but very simple animal drawing instructions in The Usborne Big Book of Playtime Activities! (I LOVE this book for all ages!)


Using the ABC Chart, sing the ABCs at least 2 times. Make sure to pause to avoid the usual slurring of L-M-N-O-P. Have the students point to each letter as they sing it. Introduce W, X, Y & Z. Then using a button & the ABC Chart, review those letters, as well as any previously taught letters. For example, you could say, "Put your button on letter B." Print the letter on another piece of paper and allow the child to correct his own mistake if necessary. You can also turn the cards over and let a child choose a letter. Then have the child put his button on the chart. We have tried to "play" several versions of the ABC Chart game this week. (My Father's World)



Remind students that we use the calendar to tell us the month, year, day of the week and the date. Ask, "What month is it?" "What year is it?" Say "Yesterday was ________." "What day of the week is today?" "It is ____________________." "Yesterday's date was the ____th." "What is today's date?" "Today is (day), August (date), (year). Write the date in the correct box. Color today's square, remembering to alternate colors (green, blue). (Saxon K Math)

"Today you will learn how to count using teddy bears and pattern blocks." Give the child a piece of construction paper to place in front of them. Have 15-20 teddy bears in a pile close by the paper mat. "As I count, take a teddy bear from the pile and put it on the edge of your mat." Demonstrate as you count. Put the bears at one side of the mat. "One, two, three…" "Line up your bears and watch how I count my teddy bears." Demonstrate sliding the teddy bears across the mat as you count. "Let's slide and count our teddy bears together." Then say, "Our teddy bears are tired. Each bear will need a chair to sit on. Let's pretend our pattern blocks are chairs. How many chairs will we need?" Put out pattern blocks in a pile close by. Take enough chairs for each bear to have his own chair. Put your bears on the chairs." "How many bears on chairs do you have? Let's slide the bears and chairs as we count." After a few minutes of free play with the bears and chairs, have the child separate the bears and patterns blocks and then put them away on their own.


If necessary, you may want to forgo a new activity, and repeat the developmental activity from Day 3, based on the child's skill level. Although skipping was definitely not "mastered" at our house, we are moving on.

Show the child a picture of a snake and discuss that it has no arms or legs. Talk about what you know about snakes (dry scales, sheds, two eyes but no outside ears, hears/feels vibrations, doesn't eat often, etc..) and then encourage the child to wiggles like a snake by lying on the floor on his stomach and moving his body forward with body muscles.

Repeat this activity focusing on frogs. Tell what you know about frogs (four legs, two eyes, smooth skin, tongue to catch insects, no external ears, moves forward by jumping, etc..) Pretend to be a frog and even find a few things to jump over (pillow, book, etc..). This activity will be very entertaining if you join in too! Think of it as easy exercise! (Slow and Steady Get Me Ready p179)

THEME – Mrs. Wishy-Washy

Today we will make another lapbook. They are a lot of work (printing, cutting, etc…) but the children love them so much and they can be pulled out later in the year for independent activities. We will use all our most of the activities at the Homeschool Share site for the Mrs. Wishy-Washy lapbook. There are so many great ideas here. I hope we have time to do them ALL! J


Note- Once we get into studying a different letter each week through the My Father's World curriculum (which will be soon now that we have "introduced" all the letters), there will not be time to do many lapbooks, so I am trying to get some in now while I have a chance!


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