Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weekly Goals Update 1.19.11

Weekly Goals Update - 

I have been drinking a lot of water, but unfortunately left my water bottle at home and currently am just drinking out of whatever cup is around.  Hopefully by next week I'll have a new water bottle and be able to measure my water intake more accurately.  As for caffeine, I'm just not sure if this is going to stay on the list!  I have had Diet Coke if we've been out and about, but mainly drinking coffee when we are at home. 

Getting my running in......not yet today, but the day isn't over yet out here, so there is still time! 

Been going to bed fairly early, but two nights was awake after midnight.  We are still adjusting to the time and the bed! We had become so spoiled by our own fantastic mattress, that it is difficult to sleep somewhere else.  

As for sweets, well I cheated a little this week, but it was only because we didn't have a pan!  Becky & I were going to make brownies on Sunday but the house doesn't have any baking pans.  Obviously Southern girls didn't live in this home before we were here!! From the types of dishes & spices (an actual bottle of msg!!) we think the home is owned by a Japanese family.  Anyway, we purchased a pan and made the brownies on Monday.  So I had sweets this week but on a different day.  Oh well! We'll get back on track this week! 

I don't think I've lost any actual pounds but my clothes feel a little looser.  Always a good sign! 


Sarah said...

Good job Winnie! I'm amazed with the running! I need to start doing that again... but I always have to use the treadmill and I HATE running on treadmills. Maybe you'll inspire me though :)

Unknown said...

Do you need me to bring anything? I should have some extra room!